The 4th Newsletter of SECRETed has been published!
The SECRETed concept
The amphiphilic nature of biosurfactants and siderophores provide enable the exchange of their chemical parts towards the development of new-to-nature compounds. READ MORE…
Scientific articles
Methods, protocols, and results. The SECRETed consortium published 8 scientific articles over the last 6 months. See the publications. READ MORE…
SideroTec HiSen™ assay
The test detects siderophores and iron chelation molecules at levels as low as 5nM; that is 100 times more sensitive than any other assay. READ MORE…
Biosurfactants production
More than 100 thermophilic strains screened; optimized cultivation conditions for increased biosurfactants yields; development of isolation and purification methods from the cell-free culture broth. READ MORE…
Systems Biology
A database with 255 Biosynthetic Gene Clusters that encode the biosynthesis of 176 siderophores and 185 biosurfactants. READ MORE…
Heterologous production of rhamnolipids
A top-20 strains passed the evaluation for further genome sequencing and identification of biosynthetic gene clusters. Saccharide esters from marine strains; optimized production and purification; antiviral and antimicrobial activity; microbial chassis and protocols for heterologous production. READ MORE…