A.I.M.S. Cluster – 2nd Annual Meeting

Today, 22 May 2023, the A.I.M.S. Cluster had its 2nd annual meeting. A.I.M.S. Cluster is composed of the 4 projects (Algae4IBDInnCoCellsMARBLES and SECRETed) funded under the same topic FNR-11-2020. The 2nd annual meeting was divided into 2 sessions.

In the first session, the 4 project coordinators presented recent progress and achievements triggering discussions about complementary methods and common challenges generating valuable feedback for all research groups and consortia as a whole. The second session was structured as a round table where all project coordinators and the dissemination-communication-exploitation managers presented key research challenges, achieved dissemination targets and planned next steps of joint activities.

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