SECRETed Consumer Awareness Workshop

The Consumer Awareness Workshop of the SECRETed project hosted by Blue Synergy has come to a close with fruitful and insightful discussions.

After a warm welcome and a brief introduction to the workshop’s objectives, IDENER presented the project’s aims and achievements, while Blue Synergy highlighted the importance of raising consumer awareness.



The workshop continued with a focus on biosurfactants and siderophores and their function as marine-based compounds. LUND University and the University of Seville provided insights into the benefits of such compounds and their potential applications in various fields.


EXELISIS kick-started the session about applications and project outcomes by providing an overview of the exploitation potential within and beyond the project. Sphera Encapsulation, Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, PharmaMar, and Imperial College London talked about the applications of research findings in the food, cosmetic, agrochemical, and health industries and the project’s engagement to provide innovative solutions.

The workshop closed with engaging sessions on consumer perceptions and expectations as well as with the investigation of collaboration schemes and stakeholders who can shape the future of marine-based compound production.


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